InspectionXpert for PDF 2013 Release Note
Create for each instance
• New “Create for each instance” icon in quantity field provides ability to auto-create multiple characteristic rows in table manager when the characteristic quantity is greater than “1”. Items in the table manager will be grouped with sub-numbering.
• New copy/paste functionality allows for a single, shared balloon for a group of characteristics.
• New copy/paste enhancement allows ability to unlink or recapture the image capture rectangle when it is shared for multiple instances.
• New copy/paste enhancement allows users to create a grouped feature (such as a hole callout) and copy/pasting the grouped feature multiple times. User can choose to have a single balloon, or will prompt you to add multiple sub-balloons based on quantity. User can choose to have a single capture rectangle shared between multiple copies of each characteristic.
• In CMMXpert when a file is imported for a given part, the mapping between the CMM results data and the inspection project data is stored, so than when new measurements from the same part file are imported the mapping will persist.
• When importing CMM results file, user has the option to “auto-assign” based on balloon number, type, nominal value, tolerance values, or any combination thereof.
• Ability to edit the “Characteristic #” field in CMMXpert, which will assign the CMM result for that row to corresponding record in the InspectionXpert project based on the balloon number which the user chosen from a drop-down list of available balloon numbers in the InspectionXpert project.
• Users now have the ability to remove specific results files or all results files from the CMMXpert results window.
• Added an updated “Open DMIS” template.
• Added a new “Modus” template.
User Settings
• Ability to set custom location for where to put the log file, templates, dictionary, settings during the installation process allowing users who work in a Citrix environment to access important system logs.
• Ability to save and remember user interface settings modified by the user including adjustments to the display, width of menus, columns in the table manager and the ability to toggle the display of columns in the table manager.
• New option allows for a one-time trial extension automatically for trial users.
• New ability to set or reduce DPI resolution of image captures upon export to Excel and PDF. This can improve the performance when exporting larger or high resolution drawing when in a 32‐bit or limited RAM environment. Image Capture resolution can be changed under Options>Project Options>Imaging/OCR>Filter Settings. PDF resolution can be changed under Options>Project Options>Exporting>PDF File Export.
• Publish to Net-Inspect now allows publishing of a single set of measurements per project. This requires the MeasurementXpert add-on to be active.
InspectionXpert GDT Font
• New InspectionXpert GDT font allows lower and upper case letters while GDT font feature is enabled. New icon in value field enables a pop-up window to choose any InspectionXpert GDT characters to be added to the field.
• The new GDT font also supports mapping of commonly used keyboard characters such as “/”, “,” and others when GDT font is enabled, providing greater efficiency for users.
• A drop-down list in the new Insert CAD Symbol window provides different views of the available items including CAD Symbols, Mathematical Operators, Framed Characters and more. Also included is a “Frequently Used Characters” section.
• A new “Toggle Framed Characters” icon next to the Value field provides a fast way to toggle between framed and unframed characters when using the GDT font.
64-bit Support
• New 64-bit optimized version of the product provides improved resolution and performance during Compare and Replace operations and when working with large drawing files.
Language Support
• Polish and French language User Interface now supported.
Issues Resolved
• Improved performance and image resolution for both image extraction and drawing compare operation when working with large drawings.
• New, more detailed error message provided when a drawing that is created with a later build of InspectionXpert is opened in an earlier build. Users will also get an error message when older projects are opened with a newer release of InspectionXpert and will have the option whether or not to convert the project to the newer release.
• Fixed ability to extract negative nominal values from the drawing.
• Resolved an issue causing Windows Explorer to crash when using InspectionXpert with Windows 7.
• Resolved issue to allow users to stay in copy/paste mode when copying and pasting balloons.
• Improved performance with exporting to Excel.
• Fixed ability to add carriage returns in notes.
• Checkboxes for FAI options were removed in the Project Properties interface and replaced by custom property fields.
• Resolved an issue where image captures were being resized during export to Excel when projects are being converted from InspectionXpert First Article to InspectionXpert for PDF.
• Eliminated the .xml file that was being created upon export to Excel. Now an .xml file will only be created when using the “Publish to Excel” icon in the Export section.