Turning Data
Into Profits
Very often, hardness tester is a piece of standalone measurement equipment. Once measurement is done, inspector will record down measurement data manually in QC form. This process has high chance of human error and it is not productive because the data will key in Excel or SPC software for plotting of SPC chart and calculation of Cpk. The SPC chart generated is not real time and most of the time the event is over once process abnormality is detected.
By having online hardness measurement system, the system will connect directly to hardness tester which allow the data to go to the system directly without any data entry. It allows instant plotting of SPC chart and calculation of Cpk. The system is designed to capture rework information for better process tractability. Relevant specification can be updated through the system with revision control. Drawing or defect picture can be up loaded to the system for easy reference. Various customized report is available to monitor the process performance.
Blue Ocean Data Solutions is a highly experienced company provides turnkey manufacturing solutions. With more than 10 years of experience serving a large customer base in manufacturing and hands-on expertise in programming, software and statistical data analysis combine with six sigma and lean manufacturing methodology, we assist our clients to solve complicated operation problems – yielding profitability increases and driving service and product delivery excellence.
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