Turning Data
Into Profits
Join our Practical Training on Big Data Analytics - Register Today!
In this information edge, most of the organizations have plenty of data especially generated from ERP, production monitoring, QC measurement, delivery monitoring, finance & inventory monitoring. Many department heads and top management are struggle with tedious and time consuming report compilation.
This situation becomes worst especially when it comes to month end. Large portion of time and effort is used for this non productive report compilation activities. However, the accuracy of the report is questionable because of high chance of human error. Furthermore, whenever there are changes or the need to customize report, IT personnel will be engaged to complete the task. Below are the courses specially designed to train participants with the require knowledge for Big Data Analysis:
This is an introductory training for both new users to JMP and those existing users who would like to fully utilize the available features and tools of JMP. Our instructors deliver critical JMP knowledge and helpful tips using a combination of expertly designed lectures and software demonstrations, question-and-answer sessions and hands-on computer workshops for an interactive learning experience. With the combination of software and training, you’ll have everything you need to make one dynamic discovery after another.
This practical course combines classroom teaching, practical exercises, and group discussion with actual factory based projects to provide a complete action learning experience. The course has been designed to enable all participants leave the training room with a set of new knowledge, tools, skills and direct experience of how to use JMP software for statistical quality analysis in a real company setting.
Prerequisite: Nil
Training facilities: Computer Installed with JMP Software and LCD projector
Section 1: Introduction to JMP software
Section 2: Data Exploration & Manipulation
Section 3: Graphical Analysis
Section 4: Statistical Process Control Chart & Process Capability Study
Who should attend: Managers, engineers, executives and supervisors who will use JMP software to perform statistical data analysis for process and quality improvement.
Delivery: Classroom lecture, hands-on practice, assignments and case studies.
Duration: 2 days (9am – 5pm)
This course is designed for those existing users who would like to fully utilize the available features and tools of JMP. This course covers analysis of data with a single or multiple continuous response variable using analysis of variance and regression methods. Important statistical concepts such as confidence intervals, power and sample size, p-value, lack of fit, correlation, etc. are also introduced.
This practical course combines classroom teaching, practical exercises, and group discussion with actual factory based projects to provide a complete action learning experience. The course has been designed to enable all participants leave the training room with a set of new knowledge, tools, skills and direct experience of how to use JMP software for statistical quality analysis in a real company setting.
Prerequisite: Statistical Data Analysis Through JMP software
Training facilities: Computer installed with JMP software and LCD projector
Section 1: Introduction to Comparative Experiment (Hypothesis Test)
Section 2: Comparing Mean
Section 3: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Section 4: Correlations & Multivariate Analysis
Section 5: Regression Analysis
Who should attend: Managers, engineers, executives, researchers and six sigma practitioners who will use JMP software to perform ANOVA and regression analysis for process and quality improvement.
Delivery: Classroom lecture, hands-on practice, simulation game, assignments and case studies.
Duration: 2 days (9am – 5pm)
Design of Experiments (DOE) is an off-line quality improvement methodology that dramatically improves industrial products and processes thus enhancing productivity and reducing costs. Input factors are varied in a planned manner to efficiently optimize output responses of interest with minimal variability.
This course will provide delegates with basic DOE knowledge & techniques that have been specifically designed to deal with common process optimization problems that encountered by engineers in industry. These techniques will be demonstrated by using JMP software with actual industrial data.
This practical course combines classroom teaching, practical exercises, and group discussion with actual factory based projects to provide a complete action learning experience. The course has been designed to enable all participants leave the training room with a set of new knowledge, tools, skills and direct experience of how to use JMP software to perform process and quality improvement in a real company setting.
Prerequisite: Statistical Data Analysis Through JMP software & Hypothesis Test, ANOVA & Regression Analysis
Training facilities: Computer installed with JMP software and LCD projector
Section 1: Introduction to Design of Experiment (DOE)
Section 2: Full Factorial Design & Response Optimization
Section 3: Screening Design
Day 3
Section 4: Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
Who should attend: Anyone who would like to understand and improve process design, such as engineers, scientists and Six Sigma practitioners.
Delivery: Classroom lecture, hands-on practice, simulation game, assignments and case studies.
Duration: 3 days (9am – 5pm)
The ability of measuring equipment to obtain reliable results directly influences the efficiency of quality control and data collection activities. Therefore, the ability of measuring equipment to obtain repeatable, reproducible and accurate measurements should be assessed prior to data collection in order to minimize the risk of making wrong decision that can bring disaster to company business.
This course covers the basic concepts associated with Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) and variation reduction. Topics include the assessment of repeatability, reproducibility, Gage R&R, bias, linearity, stability, inspection effectiveness, standards selection and use, calibration, compensation, measurement improvement and control.
This practical course combines classroom teaching, practical exercises, and group discussion with actual factory based projects to provide a complete action learning experience. The course has been designed to enable all participants leave the training room with a set of new knowledge, tools, skills and direct experience of how to use JMP software to perform measurement system analysis in a real company setting.
Prerequisite: Statistical Data Analysis Through JMP software Analysis
Training facilities: Computer installed with JMP software and LCD projector
Section 1: Introduction to Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
Section 2: Bias and Linearity Study
Section 3: GR&R Study for Variable Data
Section 4: GR&R Study for Attribute Data
Section 5: Stability Study
Who should attend: Engineers, executive, supervisors, managers and six sigma practitioners who have direct responsibility for measurement evaluation, selection and control
Delivery: Classroom lecture, hands-on practice, simulation game, assignments and case studies.
Duration: 2 days (9am – 5pm)
Statistical process control (SPC) involves using statistical techniques to measure and analyze the variation in processes. It aims to get and keep processes under control. Most often used for manufacturing processes, the intent of SPC is to monitor product quality and maintain processes to fixed targets. Statistical quality control refers to using statistical techniques for measuring and improving the quality of processes and includes SPC in addition to other techniques, such as sampling plans, experimental design, variation reduction, process capability analysis, and process improvement plans.
This practical course combines classroom teaching, practical exercises, and group discussion with actual factory based projects to provide a complete action learning experience. The course has been designed to enable all participants leave the training room with a set of new knowledge, tools, skills and direct experience of how to use JMP software for statistical process control in a real company setting.
Prerequisite: Statistical Data Analysis Through JMP Software
Training facilities: Computer installed with JMP software and LCD projector
Section 1: Introduction to Basic Statistic & Type of Data
Section 2: Basic Concept of Process Variation
Section 3: Data Collection & Sampling
Section 4: Variable Control Chart
Section 5: Analysis of Control Chart Pattern
Section 6: Attribute Control Chart
Section 7: Analysis of Process Capability
Section 8: Implementing & Maintaining SPC Program
Who should attend: Managers, engineers, executives and supervisors who will use JMP software to perform process capability study and SPC implementation.
Delivery: Classroom lecture, hands-on practice, assignments and case studies.
Duration: 2 days (9am – 5pm)
Statistical process control is a statistically-based family of tools used to monitor, control and improve processes. However, selecting and setting up the right type of SPC control chart for a given process is crucial to getting the most benefit from statistical process control.
Developing a comprehensive understanding of advanced statistical process control techniques can take months or even years and often involves building an extensive library of SPC books and reference materials. But now, all of the information needed to achieve a thorough understanding of SPC is contained in this compact yet comprehensive course. By using the Advanced SPC online training course, your Six Sigma Black Belts or lean manufacturing in-house experts can learn how to apply advanced statistical techniques and concepts throughout your operation.
This practical course combines classroom teaching, practical exercises, and group discussion with actual factory based projects to provide a complete action learning experience. The course has been designed to enable all participants leave the training room with a set of new knowledge, tools, skills and direct experience of how to use JMP software for advanced statistical process control in a real company setting.
Prerequisite: Statistical Data Analysis Through JMP Software, Quality Control and Statistical Process Control
Training facilities: Computer installed with JMP software and LCD projector
Section 1: Review of Basic SPC
Section 2: Statistical techniques to determine sampling size and interval
Section 3: Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) Control Chart
Section 4: EWMA & UWMA Control Chart
Section 5: Other Advanced Control Chart
Section 6: Handling of Non-normal data & advanced root cause analysis
Who should attend: Managers, engineers, executives and supervisors who will use JMP software to perform advanced process capability study and SPC implementation.
Delivery: Classroom lecture, hands-on practice, assignments and case studies.
Duration: 2 days (9am – 5pm)
Blue Ocean Data Solutions is a highly experienced company provides turnkey manufacturing solutions. With more than 10 years of experience serving a large customer base in manufacturing and hands-on expertise in programming, software and statistical data analysis combine with six sigma and lean manufacturing methodology, we assist our clients to solve complicated operation problems – yielding profitability increases and driving service and product delivery excellence.
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